
10 Symptoms of High Cholesterol That You Shouldn’t Ignore

This illness (high cholesterol) is found in all cells of the body and so many people know that it has harmful effects, what is real is that it is essential for the optimal functioning of the body. Our livers are responsible for removing most of it but it is as well absorbed through the consumption of foods that contain it in themselves. Source

People Go Crazy For This Recipe! It Heals Knee, Bone and Joint Pain

Like any machine, over time our bodies wear down. Joints are especially susceptible to wear and tear because of the movement and pressure that are necessarily applied to them. Joints are where two bones meet. They are connected with ligaments, tendons, and cartilage to each other and the surrounding muscles. Source

Take Baking Soda Like This and Remove The Fat From Your Thighs, Belly Arms and Back

Providing various health benefits, and considered one of the most beneficial and healthiest ingredients ever, most of us use it every day, in the making of the bread, for the cakes, in the cosmetics, and mostly as a natural remedy – we’re talking about the Baking Soda. Still, very few people know that this ingredient can be used to lose some extra pounds, if you have them of course. Source

5 Best Foods to Prevent Hormonal Imbalance in Women (and 5 Foods to Avoid)

For majority people “the fountain of youth” represents balance hormones, maintaining healthy reproductive system and creating great skin. As a matter of fact, all these goals can be achieved with the proper combination of foods. In addition to that, consuming the right type of foods that are abundant with nutrients will contribute to healthy mood, glowing skin, healthy libido, fast metabolism, smooth operating digestive tract and high energy. Source

This Simple Home Remedy Cures Cracked Heels, Corns and Calluses in 10 Days

The most common foot problem, cracked heels, can range from cosmetic to a painful issue. In that case, cracks are usually obvious, the skin is dry and may have a thick callus which appears as yellow or dark brown discolored area of skin, especially along the inside border of the heel. Apart from the dry, thickened skin, this problem may also be manifested by symptoms like peeling skin, itching, redness, itching and inflammation. Source

5 Most Effective Exercises For Side Fat Reduction

Fat which you have in all sides of your body is verily related whole body flab. The excess flat that you have will most probably gather around in the middle of your body .Abdominal fatty tissue is not only irritating, but also unhealthy. Some doctors note that extra belly flab could expose a person to many problems and illness such as stroke, risk of disorder as well as a few cancers. However, one can avoid abdominal fatty tissue by simply practicing a variety of sensible exercises that will of course upgrade his health as well as his physique. Source


I really hate going to the dentist, even if it’s just for a cleaning. I hate it so much, in fact, that I put a reminder on my calendar a few days before an appointment as a reminder to cancel in case I wimp out. I’m embarrassed, but it’s that bad. Due to my hate for invasive dental work, I’m big on a healthy diet loaded with fat soluble vitamins, especially A, D & K2 to help prevent cavities, per the research of Dr. Weston A. Price in the early 1900’s. In recent years, there have been a lot of articles going around that say food can not only prevent cavities, but it can heal them as well. The skeptic in me wanted an opinion from a trusted holistically-oriented dentist to help sort out fact from fiction. This brings me today’s post from Dr. Paul Rubin, one of Seattle’s pioneers in “mercury-free” dentistry. Dr. Rubin has been practicing Mercury-Safe, “biological” Dentistry for over 32 years. Source